Battle of Voltri Day One

Cervoni deployed the 22nd Legere up front in skirmish order as the Austrian columns came into view. He kept the 75th Ligne in reserve. The Austrians faced the challenge of crossing a minor river (albeit one that was easily fordable along its length) and negotiating a narrow defile flanked by mountainous terrain and the sea.

The Austrians advanced with Vukkasovich's brigade of  three battalions moving through the outskirts of Voltri and Pittoni's brigade moving across the plain and directly towards the French skirmishers.

A sharp firefight commenced along the line with one battalion of French legere on their right  retreating down the Savona road and the Austrians forcing the bridge:

The musketry intensified and one of the French battalions broke:

Cervoni committed the 75th Demi-Brigade but while one Austrian battalion broke and fled the French could not prevent the Austrians consolidating to the west of the river.

Dusk fell with the Austrian bridgehead established west of Voltri. As Cervoni disengaged  news arrived  that Massena would join him with two more brigades at first light. The scene is set for a continuation of the battle on the morrow... 


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